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Empire Defense



1200 - Monolith event

1600 - 1st place attacks 2nd


1200 2 attacks 3

1600 3 attacks 1

2000 1 attacks 3


1400 €œ 3 attacks 2

1800 2 attacks 1

Local Timezone Note

Server times given in their local timezones:

  • Werner Times in GMT (Pacific time + 8 hours: London)
  • Emerald Times in Eastern (UTC - 4)
  • Markov Times in Pacific (UTC - 7)




TR won the Ishundar Monolith event by capturing the Monolith and sucessfully delivering it to the capital's control console, while the VS maintained control the northern area of Ishundar helping the TR with the Monolith. The NC managed to hold facilities to the South and East, but couldn't overrun the two empires that were working together.

The VS won against the TR on Amerish


1200 €œ VS attacks NC: VS won against the NC on Solsar

1600 €œ NC attacks TR: NC won against the TR on Forseral

2000 €œ TR attacks NC: NC held off the TR attack on Hossin


1400 €œ NC attacks VS: VS held off the NC attack on Esamir

1800 VS attacks TR: TR held off the VS attack on Ceryshen



NC won the Cyssor Monolith event by holding the capital: Gunuku, resulting in a default win, while the VS maintained control of the Monolith. The TR held facilities in the South and East, and came in second place.

The NC won against the TR on Forseral


1200 TR attacks VS: VS held off the TR attack on Amerish

1600 €œ VS attacks NC: VS won against the NC on Solsar

2000 NC attacks VS: VS held off the NC attack on Esamir


1400 €œ VS attacks TR: VS won against the TR on Ceryshen

1800 €œ TR attacks NC: NC held off the TR attack on Hossin



VS won the Monolith event by holding the capital, resulting in a default win, while the TR maintained control of the Monolith. The NC held facilities in the South and East, and came in second place.

NC held off the VS attack on Solsar


Noon NC attacks TR: NC captured the TR Capitol on Forseral

1600 TR attacks VS: VS hold the Capitol

2000 €œ VS attacks TR: TR hold the Capitol


1400 €œ TR attacks NC: NC hold off the TR attack on Hossin

1800 €œ NC attacks VS: NC captured the VS Capitol on Esamir