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The /who command provides information about Players or Empires.

The following "names" can be used with the "/who " command:

  • CR \<1/2/3/4/5/> - Lists all Friendly Commanders of the Rank you entered for the Continent you entered or the entire world, if no continent is entered then it lists the ones from the continent that you are on.
  • - Gives location and Empire of the selected Player, if the Player is of an opposing Empire, no location will be given.
  • \ - Returns a list with players of your empire on the selected continent.
  • CSR - Lists all CSR's that are currently online (CSR has to be logged-in as a CSR for his name to show up)
  • text - Uses text provided to search for a player name that contains your text. Returns the first 25 matches.
  • pl (no space after "/who") - platoonleaders - Shows all Platoon Leaders for your current Continent, it also shows the Platoon Leaders Oufit
  • sl (no space after "/who") - squadleaders - Shows all Squad Leaders for your current Continent, it also shows the Squad Leaders Outfit
  • teams - Shows percentage of online players for each Empire
  • NC - Lists the first 25 NC on your Continent (you must be NC)
  • TR - Lists the first 25 TR on your Continent (you must be TR)
  • VS - Lists the first 25 VS on your Continent (you must be VS)