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In-Game Commands

A list of all the In-Game Commands

Communication Commands

  • /tell - /t - Sends a Private Message to a Player.
  • /reply - BACKSPACE - /r - Sends a reply to the last person that send a tell to you.
  • /l - /local - Sends message in Local Chat Mode.
  • /b - /broadcast - Sends message to all Friendlies in your SOI (Only works in Friendly SOI's)
  • /s - /squad - Sends message to your fellow Squad Members.
  • /p - /platoon - Sends message to your fellow Platoon Members.
  • /o - /outfit - Sends message to your fellow Outfit Members

Squad and Platoon Commands


  • /accept - /yes - Accepts an invitation to join a Squad
  • /decline - /no - Declines an invitation to join a Squad
  • /leave - Leave your current Squad


  • /paccept - Accepts an invitation to join a Platoon
  • /pdecline - Declines an invitation to join a Platoon
  • /pleave - Leave your current Platoon

Squad and Platoon Leader Commands

Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders:

  • /promote - Promotes player to Squad Leader.
  • /kick - Kicks player from squad.
  • /pl - /platoonleader - Sends a message to all the Squad Leaders that are in the same Platoon
  • /sl - /squadleader - Sends a message to all the Squad Leaders that are on the same continent as you

Squad Leaders ONLY:

  • /disband - Disbands your entire Squad
  • /cancel - Cancels Squad invitation. If no name is given all outstanding invitations will be cancelled.
  • /invite - Sends squad invitation to named player.
  • /proximity - Sends squad invitations to all nearby unsquadded players. (Only works when initially creating a squad.)

Platoon Leaders ONLY:

  • /pkick - Kicks a squad from the platoon.
  • /pinvite - Invites a squad to the platoon.
  • /pdisband - Disbands your entire Platoon
  • /pcancel - Cancels Platoon invitation. If no name is given all outstanding invitations will be cancelled.

Outfit Commands


  • /outfitaccept - Accepts an invitation to join an Outfit
  • /outfitdecline - Declines an invitation to join an Outfit
  • /outfitleave - Leave current Outfit

Outfit Starting

  • /outfitform - Create an Outfit with your current 10 Squad Members.
  • /outfitcreate - Creates an Outfit with the chosen Outfit Name.

Outfit Management

You must be of sufficient outfit ranking to use these commands

  • /outfitinvite - Invite a player to the outfit.
  • /outfitkick - Kick a player from the outfit
  • /outfitcancel - Cancels Outfit invitation. If no name is given, all outstanding invitations will be cancelled.
  • /outfitrename -Renames the outfit to the new name (only available if the outfit name was given a -E or -M after the Gemini server merge).

Commander Commands

  • /sitrep - Sends a Situation Report to all Commanders that are 1 Command Rank above you.(Must be CR1 or above)

Command Rank 2 and above:

  • /showfriendly - Shows Friendly players on map if CUD is in hand
  • /c - /command - Sends message to other Commanders of the same Rank

Command Rank 3 and above:

  • /emp - Sets off EMP Blast if CUD is in hand

Command Rank 4 and 5 ONLY:

  • /showenemy - Shows Enemy players on map if CUD is in hand

Command Rank 5 ONLY:

  • /comall - Sends a Global Message to all Players
  • /comho - Sends a message to all players on Hossin
  • /comfo - Sends a message to all players on Forseral
  • /comam - Sends a message to all players on Amerish
  • /comso - Sends a message to all players on Solsar
  • /comcy - Sends a message to all players on Cyssor
  • /comis - Sends a message to all players on Ishundar
  • /comes - Sends a message to all players on Esamir
  • /comce - Sends a message to all players on Ceryshen
  • /comse - Sends a message to all players on Searhus
  • /comos - Sends a message to all players on Oshur (includes all Battle Islands and Oshur Prime)
  • /comsan - Sends a message to all players in your Sanctuary
  • /coman - Sends a message to all players in Annwn
  • /comsu - Sends a message to all players in Supai
  • /comdr - Sends a message to all players in Drugaskan
  • /comad - Sends a message to all players in Adlivun
  • /comhu - Sends a message to all players in Hunhau

Avatar Appearance Commands

  • /earpiece - Toggles earpiece on and off (Helmet must be off in order for the earpiece to be visible. Battle Rank 24 is also required for this command.)
  • /hat - Toggles between no hat, a hat, and a beret. (Requires the player to be atleast Battle Rank 24, the players helmet will also have to be off for the hat to be visible)
  • /helmet - Toggles helmet on and off (Requires the player to be atleast Battle Rank 24).
  • /shades - Toggles shades on and off (Helmet must be off in order for the shades to be visible. Battle Rank 24 or high is also required for this command.)

Other Commands

  • /alarm - Allows you to set an alarm that will alert you when the timer is up.
  • /appeal - Brings up a menu that allows you to report things to Customer Service. Often used to file complaints about other players.
  • /bug - Brings up a window that allows you to report bugs
  • /emote - Makes your avatar perform an action.
  • /filter - Turns the profanity filter off and on
  • /friends [add/remove] - A list of players online or off.
  • /help - Opens the Help menu
  • /ia - /instantaction - Activates countdown timer for Instant Action
  • /ignore [add/remove] - Ignore a player.
  • /incentives - Returns the empire incentives for the current zone.
  • /loc - Returns your current location in X,Y,Z coordinates.
  • /log - Set chat logging state. If logging is turned on, all chat messages are appended to 'chat.log'
  • /macro [tag] [\#] [macrocommand] - The tag is a 3 letter symbol to represent the macro. (Example: /macro LFS \#l LFS! would produce: says: 'LFS!')
  • /quit - Activates countdown timer for Quitting PlanetSide
  • /stats - Shows your Ping, Packet Loss and FPS
  • /recall - Activates countdown timer for Recalling to Sanctuary
  • /report - Reports chosen player to the Customer Service
  • /time - Returns the current local Earth time and the current Auraxis time.
  • /who [CR/Teams//CSR/SL/PL/Cont] - Lists matching players
  • /rename -Renames your character to a new name (only available if your character has a -E or -M appended after the Gemini server merge).

Temporary Commands:

  • /humbug - Removes the Santa hats and present corpses (command is only available during the Christmas Holiday patch every year)

Restricted Commands

Only CSRs and other authorized SOE employees can use these commands

  • /create - Create specified vehicle.
  • /sethealth - Sets your health.
  • /setarmor - Sets your armor.
  • /setstamina - Sets your stamina.
  • /setammo - Sets your ammo.
  • /award - Control Merit Commendation status.
  • /suicide - Kills your character.